Greater Manchester Energy-from-Waste Plant, Manchester,UK
Both phases have proven to be reliable and are performing beyond their original design having achieved availability in excess of 90% over the last three years of operation.
Roy Griffin, Head of Operations (North), Viridor Waste Management, Operator of the Runcorn, Greater Manchester, UK, Phase 1 & Phase 2 Facilities.
Baoan WTE Facility, Shenzhen, China
Since the first WTE plant that was delivered to the Chinese WTE market in early 2000, Keppel Seghers has emerged to be a technology provider of choice, having consistently delivered highly reliable and efficient WTE solutions evident in the various WTE plants which we are successfully operating in China.
Shenzhen Energy Environment
Doha North Sewage Treatment, Qatar
The DNSTW, designed and built by Keppel Seghers, is an exemplary showcase of how the innovation and technical expertise of a private enterprise is combined with the vision of the public service to create an infrastructure masterpiece.
Thanks to the cooperation between Ashgal and Keppel Seghers, the DNSTW is steadily transforming a significant portion of Qatar into an oasis in the desert, with thoughtfully designed eco-habitats which now house migratory birds and reuse water for irrigation. These efforts bolster Qatar’s ambitionsfor a liveable and green environment.
Ashgal, Public Works Authority of Qatar
Chengdu Xiang Fu WTE Plant, China
The Chengdu Xiang Fu WTE plant designed and delivered by Keppel Seghers has exceeded our expectations in all aspects of WTE plant performance. With a sizeable capacity of 1,800 tonnes per day, the Xiang Fu WTE plant has consistently met strict emission standards since beginning commercial operation in 2012, while still being highly efficient in achieving considerable power generation from the waste throughput. This robust operating performance track record makes the Xiang Fu WTE plant the showcase that we proudly present to all our business partners who are keen to understand WTE operations. With the successful delivery of the Xiang Fu WTE plant, Keppel Seghers has clearly demonstrated its capabilities as one of the leading players in the WTE industry with reliable WTE technology.
General Manager, Chengdu, China National Environment Protection Group (CNEPG)